Monday, December 30, 2019

Working Conditions At Minimum Wage Jobs - 865 Words

As long as a labor force has been in America, changes have been made to determine the most productive sense of business without affecting its negligence of working conditions. Records of dangerous or fatal activities, along with a substantial amount of shameful business conditions, have been noted before during the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era. It has sadly emerged into a darker form of punishment that has scourged the workforce within most extreme productions of goods. Although there can be many bad things said about working conditions within minimum wage jobs, some families are reduced to working illegal jobs for poor wages under the administration of corrupt supervisors, and the products they collect are sold by massive corporations. Rose Schneiderman, once an employee at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was quoted saying â€Å"†¦ the life of men and women is so cheap and property is so sacred! There are so many of us for one job, it matters little if 140-odd are burned to death.† Her account has stayed true for over a century since the words left her lips. In the competition of capitalism, the highest factors for production have been the cost and time. For these goals to be met, management from the highest positions of the company rarely reflected their attention towards the laborers turning the screws, but the closest responsibility for these people were their supervisors. Employees that had to run machines during certain facility operations would be assigned extraShow MoreRelatedThe Minimum Wage War, By Barbara Ehrenreich And The Article938 Words   |  4 PagesWhy does it seem that the working class is set up for failure? Do these workers lack the experience in their chosen fields? Do these employees lack in their work ethic? Does the government need to give more support? Questions like these arise in both the story Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America by Barbara Ehrenreich and the article â€Å"The Minimum-Wage War† by Rolling Stone. At first glance, these writings may seem unrelated; However, the themes of minimum wage and work ethic go hand-in-handRead MoreMinimum Wage And Its Effect On The Economy1015 Words   |  5 Pageshigh unemployment rate is the issue of minimum wage. Depending on the states in U.S., the price of minimum wage is different, but the low minimum wage may cause the economic condition worse. Minimum wage is the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay. This wage is regulated by the law, so all workers must follow this rule. According to the book, â€Å"Minimum Wages†, the author Neumark, David states, â€Å"in 1938, the U.S. Congress passed a federal minimum wage as part of the Fair Labor Standard Act†Read MoreThe Regulation Of Minimum Wage1055 Words   |  5 PagesRegulation of Minimum Wage In today’s society, people face to many serious issues which affect the society both in a positive and negative ways such as increasing the employment rate and increasing the unemployment rate. The increasing of the unemployment rate is caused by some reasons, and one of the problems that causes the high unemployment rate is the issue of the minimum wage. Depending on the states in the U.S., the price of minimum wage is different, but the low minimum wage may cause theRead MoreThe Fair Work Commission ( Fwc ) Essay1091 Words   |  5 Pagesawards and employment contracts, has the power to control employee wages and conditions. Wages are the price paid to the labour force for its contributions in the production process. The FWC regulates if the National Employment Standards and enterprise agreements are met under the Fair Work Act (2009). Modern awards and employment contracts are arranged for the remaining individuals in order to determine their wages and conditions. Wages a re also determined through the government implementation of priceRead MoreEssay on The Minimum Wage Must Be Increased1575 Words   |  7 PagesNo family gets rich from earning the minimum wage. In fact, the current minimum wage does not even lift a family out of poverty. -- Jon Corzine Many people can think back and remember what it was like to put in an application for that first job and be presented with a position. Taking that position represents adulthood and is a very exciting time for a young person. All first jobs usually start with a minimum wage. Minimum wage is the minimum an employer has to pay an unskilled workerRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate870 Words   |  4 PagesThe minimum wage debate has recently made a large comeback in United States politics. Contemporary studies show over 3.8 million Americans are paid at or below minimum wage (Dickinson 33). Many have looked skeptically back on past wage systems and have questioned wage’s relationship to current market inflation. In response to this inquiry, a large majority of the general population, relatively unrelated to their degree of income, support legislation to increase the minimum. However, the issue hasRead MoreFair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA)758 Words   |  3 Pagesthe j obs within it have evolved as new jobs were created, ways to execute tasks became more advanced and laws were enacted to put into place fair employment for those in the workforce. In 1938, congress would pass and President Roosevelt would sign the Wages and Hours Bill, more commonly known as the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). This federal statute introduced a 44 hour, seven day work week, established the national minimum wage, guaranteed overtime pay in specific types of jobs at aRead MoreA Brief Note On Unemployment And Its Effect On The Economy864 Words   |  4 Pageseconomy. All over the world governments try to decrease the amount of people that are unemployed in its country. Governments always want to try and provide fixes to things such as unemployment by instituting minimum wage laws, job security laws, and setting regulations on working conditions. While most of these things may seem necessary and even beneficial we have learned that laws and regulations such as these set on businesses typically hurt the ones they are trying to help the most. It is anotherRead MoreMinimum Wage Laws And Labor Unions905 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act was created to establish a minimum federal wage to serve as a standard wage to reduce poverty and to secure economic growth is shared across the workforce. Today minimum wage is far below its historical levels and loses its value every year due to inflation. The minimum wage workforces are living close to poverty levels, and insist on the government raising the minimum wage. Sometimes the fight to raise the pay for workers goes unnoticed or unheard, so a laborRead MoreThe Causes And Consequences Of Class Conflict Between The Bourgeoisie And The Proletariat1422 Words   |  6 Pagesto the working class or the poor. Focusing on the economic, social, and political implications of the rise of capitalism in Europe. With the rise of capitalism, it was theorized that the bourgeoisie, a m inority within the population, would use their influence to oppress the proletariat, which happened to be the majority. Within this system of rules an unequal social order was maintained through ideological enforcement which created an acceptance of the values, expectations, and conditions as determined

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rome’s Forgotten Land Essay - 2372 Words

For more than 1,000 years the Romans conquered portions of Europe and brought a tremendous amount of influence to Eurasia. They built a network of roadways, amazing architectural achievements and order to the tribes they conquered throughout Eurasia. However the one area not influenced by the Romans was most of Germany, Russia, Yugoslavia and the Czech Republic, this area is also know as Germania. This region did not receive the benefits that the colonies conquered by Rome received simply because Rome, once it conquered a region, built cities in their communities, spreading Roman architecture language and transportation systems throughout the regions they overtook. The Hunnic Empire and the original German tribes were one of the main†¦show more content†¦They saw everyone who lived there as barbarians or Germanic. The Germanic tribes that were in the region we now call Germania started out in the countries of Germany, Russia and northern Czech. The main tribes were the Goths, Vandals, Visigoths, the Franks and the Huns. A quote that talks about the Huns themselves from the Roman historian Ammianus, The nation of the Huns†¦ surpasses all other Barbarians in wildness of life†¦though they have they all have strong limbs and plump necks; they are of great size, and low legged, so that you might fancy them two-legged beasts, or the fat figures that are carved in a rude manner with an axe at the posts at the end of bridges†¦ (Ammianus, Rome and Her Enemies, page 288) The Huns and other Germanic tribes were the main reasons the Romans never occupied Germany for an extended period of time. The Germanic tribes were very spread out and culturally different. Many of these tribes were not native to Germany; some came from Scandinavia, like the Goths, who later branched off to become both the Goths and the Visigoths. Others traveled all the way from middle Asia like the Huns. Due to this wide expansion many of the original tribes like the Ulmerugi who were forced out by the Goths and even the Goths themselves when the Huns entered the area. The Germanic tribes themselves were not that organized to begin, many of them did have standing armies. The Germanic tribes were not well equipped and often hadShow MoreRelated The Roman Empire and Its Influence on Western Civilization Essay1489 Words   |  6 PagesEmpire and Its Influence on Western Civilization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Romes vast empire lasted for an amazing one thousand-year reign. Half of it referred to as the republic, and the other as the empire. However, after its fall in 5oo-a.d. Rome has still remained in existence through its strong culture, architecture, literature, and even religion (Spielvogel 175). Even after its disappearance as a nation Rome left behind a legacy that will never be forgotten. Its ideals and traditions have been immolated, and adoptedRead More†¢ When Christianity first began they adopted all sorts of pagan religious aspects in to their ways800 Words   |  4 Pagesabandoned these noble practices. †¢Christian’s lasted longer than Jews because they chose to protest against romans non violently while on the other hand Jew took up arms against the romans. †¢Romans specialized in taking over land and not groups of people, sins the Jews had a specific land were all of them lived they were easier to kill then christens, who were everywhere. †¢Jews spoke a language that no one else new, while christens spoke Greek the most common of all languages at the time. While both wereRead MoreDownfall Of Rome s Republic1141 Words   |  5 Pages Downfall of Rome’s Republic For 350 years the Roman Republic had grown, retracted, and grown again, surviving and thrived. Through it all the Romans never turned away from their basic founding principle that no king shall rein in Rome. 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The Hall of Fame honors Ninety-eight men and women who were; inventors, educators and authors to name a few, in a form of bronze busts. The busts were engraved with their name, the year they were born,Read MorePersonal Statement : Cleopatra Vii, And Hatshepsut Of Egypt1473 Words   |  6 Pagesleaders that I present were the celebrities of their time. Nefertiti, Cleopatra VII, and Hatshepsut-shaped a lineage that will never be forgotten. Female leaders at a time when men were only lo oked upon to be Pharaoh’s and leaders of the land that were intelligent and captivated their audience, commanded armies, commandeered land and brought back riches to their land. Queen Nefertiti ruled alongside her husband, Pharaoh Akhenaten from 1353-1336 B.C. Her husband preferred her to his other companionsRead MoreHave You Met Jesus?2529 Words   |  11 Pagestheir empire, while Jerusalem had a distinct culture from that of Rome and required strict rule over their own people for reasons of preservation of the Jewish faith. Pilate needed to end any possible insurrection before it got out of hand and risked Rome’s losing of Jerusalem. As Jesus entered into Jerusalem (Christians mirror this event now as Palm Sunday) just before Passover, Herod, Pilate, and the Pharisees all found then to be a prime opportunity for nipping Jesus’ cultural revolution in the budRead MoreWhat Role Did Civil Wars Play On The Deterioration And Eventual Death Of The Roman Republic?1777 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Romans in 91 B.C. marking the beginning of the Social War. It seemed that the Romans were not prepared for war, they met many early defeats in the South. In 90 B.C. Lucius Julius Caesar rewarded Roman citizenship to the Italians who would take Rome’s side. Although it seemed that the Romans were not ready for war, by 89 B.C. the Samnite rebels were being driven back all over Italy. By 88 B.C. the Social War was over, and the Italians defeated. The end of the war, marked the end of Italian freedomRead MorePsychoanalysis : What Is Psychoanalysis?1908 Words   |  8 Pagescan be used to the fullest within its design and practicality. For example in Figure 1.1 the Finnish Pavilion was designed and influenced to represent the beauty of Finland. The architect Aalto spaced four floors of the structure individually as ‘land, people, work, and products’ of Finland, yet consciously thought of connecting all four terms to create a harmonious and functional pavilion. Therefore he had to analysis the design to be linked with his concept, for instance he installed a wave- like

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Stranger vs the Awakening Free Essays

In the novel The Stranger the main character Numerals is a male indifferent to society and seems to care about absolutely nothing. Even when his mother dies he is indifferent about it, the only thing he can have any feelings for at all is the nagging heat of the sun at the funeral. He even begins an affair with his mistress Marie the day after the funeral, clearly thinking about sex, which is very important to him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Stranger vs the Awakening or any similar topic only for you Order Now When Marie asks Numerals to marry her he says he could care less either way, which is a blatant sign of careless and emotionless thoughts. It is not until Numerals is imprisoned and sentenced to death does he begin to realize how much he likes his life. HE tells the reader that he sizes the ocean and craves sex and cigarettes, which is the first time he ever has a want or show of emotion towards anything. The Chaplin offers Numerals freedom and life if he will believe God, but of course Numerals will not give in and go against his beliefs. Just before the machine of society cuts him from existence, Numerals laughs in their face showing strength and victory. In The Awakening the main character Is Edna who is dissatisfied with her marriage and motherhood. She finds herself as a person and acts on her desire for sex and emotional connection with her newfound love Robert. There Is a gradual disconnection between Edna and her husband as the novel moves forth, yet Edna begins to slowly become more Independent and free willing at the same time. Her desires and blatant rebellion against the rules of society overwhelmingly Isolates her, causing her to give up end her life by suicide. Considering that Campus Is a male writing about a male character and Chopin Is a female writing about a female character It Is quite an Interesting Idea to pursue that this would affect the way each character handled adversity. Campus’ character Numerals Is very strong and Indifferent to society throughout the novel and does not vive Into society. HIS lack of emotion also developed an Image of strength for the simple fact that nothing affected him, and he was Indifferent to all of society. This Is due to Campus growing up In a society that forces males to hide their emotions to give Off false sense of strength and power. Throughout Campus’ life he had never claimed to be tied down In marriage having numerous affairs, having never truly assumed faith, as well as living In seclusion before publishing the novel also affected the way the character chose his paths. Numerals seems to be an extremist version of Campus myself, an example Is Merchants ever longing desire for sex and Campus numerous affairs. This also explains to the reader Merchants strength and personal victory through perseverance, which would only be given to a male character through the eyes AT a male autumn. Nonplus Deluge a Tamale writing tout a Tamale contracted most likely has a direct connection with why Edna chose the decision she did at the end of the novel. In the time period Chopin grew up women were not looked at as strong powerful figures that could handle tough situations. Chopin was writing this book after her husband’s death in 1882, when he left her with $12,000 of debts. She tried to run their family plantati on and store but she Just could not handle it. Being raised with this thought and conception of women being weak as well as her hard times faced while writing this novel is exactly why she had Edna commit suicide in the end of the novel. For Edna there was no escaping the problem, as there was no escaping the problem of debt for Chopin. She was either exiled from society or stuck living a life of unhappiness; her solution was to escape by taking the easy way out and killing herself. This action clearly shows the author’s perception that females are not palpable of enduring times of adversity and hardship because she herself wanted to quit deep down on the inside. After reading both novels is it easy to see which character is stronger in their fight against society? Edna took the easy way out by escaping through suicide, which is society over powering her and essentially winning the battle. Numerals on the other hand was never defeated by society; no matter what they threw at him he stood his ground and kept his beliefs. The ultimate sign of his strength and victory is when he laughs in the face of society essentially saying, â€Å"l won, I’m right, you cannot and will not break me. † How to cite The Stranger vs the Awakening, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lan-Based Cash Flow Monitoring System free essay sample

Chapter 1 Introduction 1. 1 Background of the Study The Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig was established by the virtue of the Pasig City Ordinance No. 11. 5. 1999. It started its operation June 14, 2000 initially with six (6) degree course: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (BSEED), Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM), BSBA, BSIT, BSECE, BSCS and ACT has been added to the initial courses. The University mission is to produce graduates strong in their global outlook, cultural identity, and social responsibility through teaching strategies, methodologies, relevant research and dedicated public service. The Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig is growing progressively for the past 10 years. Students have proven their being responsive to the changing demands of developments. For the past 10 years, the University has been competent to the new technology, but there is a certain area in which technology have not yet reach: the Accounting Office. The Accounting Office plays a vital role in the enrollment system. It is where the student pays their tuition and other related fees. It is where security is a must. Along with the progress of the University the Accounting Office is still left behind. For 10 years of running, the office is still on a manual basis. Students, after accomplishing their registration form, will go directly to the Accounting Office to assess their fees and pay. And because this is done manually, a line of students is form. Another problem arises is the possibility of record loss. Because the accounts of every student are in the paper form, there might have a possibility of its loss. If not minor fault in computation may also be seen as a problem. VISION Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig is the leading center for academic excellence among the locally-funded colleges and universities that produces responsible and productive individuals who are responsive to the changing demands of development locally and globally. MISION We, a community of service-oriented individuals supported by the City Government of Pasig, committed to life-long learning and to produce graduates strong in their global-outlook, cultural identity and social responsibility through teaching strategies, methodologies, relevant research and dedicated public service. OBJECTIVES To instill and nurture in each student the appropriate and relevant attitude, knowledge, values and skills needed to become useful and productive citizens, successful entrepreneurs, or gainfully employed members of the community. To provide quality public higher education that will not only assist each individual to fully develop his/her potential as a human being but also enhance the quality of citizen participation in the basic functions of society. To advance the frontiers of knowledge and technology through quality instructions, research and community extension services that encourage maximum use of all resources and facilities available in the City of Pasig where students can apply their knowledge, values and skills they gained for improving their own quality of life and that of the community where they belong. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem 1. 2. 1 General Problem: 1. 2. 1. 1 How to improve the Monitoring of Cash Flow at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig Accounting Office. 1. 2. 2 Specific Problems: 1. 2. 2. 1 How to minimize data loss. 1. 2. 2. How to minimize delays when forwarding record files to the city hall. 1. 2. 2. 3 How to protect their records from unauthorized personnel’s. 1. 3 Objective of the Study 1. 3. 1 General Objective 1. 3. 1. 1 To develop a LAN-based Cash Flow Monitoring System for the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig Accounting Department. 1. 3. 2 Specific Objective: 1. 3. 2. 1 To create a system th at will ensure data storage for each transaction. 1. 3. 2. 2 To create a system that will forward record files on time. 1. 3. 2. 3 To create a password protected system that will only allow access to the authorized users. 1. 4 Significance of the Study This study is important because this will improve the process in the Accounting Office. By this study, we will be able to make a system for areas of accounting office which needs improvement. The following will benefit from this study; Accounting Office Accounting Office will benefit from this study because the process of Accounting Office is the one being studied. By this, Accounting Office will be able to figure what area should be improved ad what area should be provided with a system. City Hall City Hall will benefit from this study because City Hall can be assured of error-free and well-monitored generated report of cash flow. Since it is computerized, errors that the City Hall might have from the generated reports of Accounting Office if not totally gone, can be lessen. 1. 5 Scope and Limitation Scope The Scope of this study will be the Monitoring of Cash Flow at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig Accounting office and all the transactions which takes place within the boundaries of the Accounting office. Including the verification of daily statement of collection forms; summarizing of cash records, and daily and monthly accountable form reports. Limitations This study will be limited with the processes of the Accounting office and will not include the following: †¢Creation of Financial Statements †¢Creation of Balance Sheets †¢Creation of Income Sheets †¢Creation of Generating of General Accounts Chapter 2 Review of Related Foreign Literatures Texas Education Agency identifies the usefulness of Accounting Systems School districts and charter schools were asked questions regarding the usefulness of their accounting system in supporting decisions. Accounting systems may generate reports that support decisions, and may also have the tools that expedite the analysis of information to support decisions. Accounting Systems Survey Responses, 2006) Strategic Information Content and Performance: The Impact of Management Accounting and Control System Changes Research has revealed that different strategy content requires different planning and control systems to supply the requisite information. Strategic typologies potentially allow managers to understand the mix of information systems needed to enhance firm performance. This paper investigates the relationships between changes to firm’s management accounting and control system and performance under different scenarios of strategic content. Data from Singapore companies is used to asses this relationship. Results indicate a positive relationship for the three strategic types analyzed and, further, each type reveals a different configuration of components changes that comprise the management accounting and control system. (Alfred E. Seaman, 2006) Monitoring Business Cash Flow: Business Self-Audit Process Financial Business Records Understanding your companys cash flow is essential to staying in business. To keep on top of things, consider audits. No, auditing isnt just something unpleasant that the IRS does. Many successful businesses conduct self-audits as a means of monitoring their financial status. Auditing on a weekly basis can provide a company with the foresight to avoid potential problems that could be detrimental to a companys financial fitness. The process gives a financial administrator valuable knowledge to plan the companys payment and collection schedule. Knowing which accounts need to be paid in full and which can be paid off in stages can help stretch a diminished cash reserve. By neglecting to update financial records, a company could face bankruptcy for no reason other than failing to perform a simple weekly task. Monitoring cash flow is more than balancing a check book it is about understanding where every dollar comes from and where it goes. Closely monitoring cash flow forces companies to pay more attention to incoming funds and the patterns that are created. If a slow pay period is approaching, the accounts receivable department can begin to pressure slow-paying clients sooner to get the outstanding funds on time. When purchasing goods, it helps to be aware of the time frame for the product arrival. This prevents businesses from getting available funds tied up in goods that will not be received for two months or more. When planning a self-audit, there are certain key areas to target. The first step in the self-auditing process is to keep close tabs on the balance of available funds. Know what is in the bank and how much is available for immediate use. Work out a bare bones model of the companys cash flow for the present size of the operation. Use the money left over to determine the growth potential of the business, and set reasonable expectations. Forecasting sales on a regular basis can be an indicator to determine if a company is growing at its fullest potential, but also have an understanding of the bill collection process. Many businesses see the sales department as the main source of income, but that is a common misconception. While the sales department is generating potential income, the accounts receivable department is where the potential income becomes actual money. Use the projected sales figures and the projected billing figures to generate an accurate forecast of the financial potential of the company. With this forecast, estimate the timing and cost of materials and production costs. Forecast these costs. Also determine the acceptable time period to pay suppliers and bills accrued in production. Have a good sense of when bills are due, and take into account any discounts for paying bills early as well as penalties for paying late. Create a schedule of recurring expenses like payroll, rent, utilities, etc. This information can identify which bills can be paid at later dates, and which must be paid immediately. Compute your companys cash flow on a weekly basis and project future cash flow in fifteen-day increments for the next year, as well as a three and a five-year model. Add the projected collection amount to the current funds available. Subtract production costs and recurring expenses. This will give a concise view of the companys financial status. Remember that the first time you analyze your financial records it can be an arduous task. The next times a self-audit is conducted, it becomes a process of updating data that already exists, and takes far less time to generate a great benefit to your company. http://www. morebusiness. com/running_your_business/management/d906062188. brc Small Business Cash Flow Management Simple Cash Management Techniques â€Å"I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something. Jackie Mason Money is the most important asset your business has. Without it failure. You may have invested a great deal of resources and yourself into your business, but if you dont manage your cash flow, you can be forced out of business. You may make mistakes in managing your employees, your customers, or your physical facilities and you can survive, but dont mismanage your cash. Such a situation is illustrated by the story of Helen. It is a tale of hard work, the lack of cash management and failure. Helen, who owned a small commercial art studio, worked 12-hour days Monday through Saturday to meet her customers demands and although she had only two employees and minimal expenses, she rarely drew a paycheck. Fortunately, Roger, her husband, earned a substantial salary, permitting Helen to continue working without an income. Helen had no idea of cash management. She struggled to pay her employees, her landlord and her vendors. To make matters worse, she fell behind in depositing the payroll taxes, and the IRS placed a lien on their home. She could not even turn to her accountant for assistance, as she was past due with his fees. Helen did not understand it. Her customers loved her. She was always busy. But, she was always broke. Helen lacked business skills. Her financial records were a mess. Her customers owed her thousands of dollars that she never attempted to collect. And, she was never quite sure of the amount anyone owed her as she frequently forgot to prepare customer bills or post them to her accounts receivable. Unfortunately, Helen was easy prey for unscrupulous people. She was generous, and sympathized with her customers when they explained why they could not pay her. Helen even acted as a surrogate mother to some, listening to their tales of woe and allowing her emotions to get in the way of good business practices. She rarely asked for her money. There was one particular customer who owed her $3,000 for more than three years, yet, she continued to do his work, spending her own money on supplies and labor. Sarcastically, someone said to Helen, You might as well do the work for free and save yourself the trouble of bookkeeping. Finally, after pressure from her spouse, she was willing to listen and accept financial advice. Helens husband hired a business consultant to revamp and upgrade the accounting system and install a personal computer. Once the records were correct, the consultant called a number of customers to collect money. The situation improved, but barely, as many of the past due customers turned out to be dishonest. After a period of minimal success, Helens old habits, of mismanagement, disorganization, and foolish generosity, returned. The consultant quit and eventually the business failed. As I watched the business go under it was an example of an entrepreneur denying the basics of simple cash management. Helen created her own problems her interest was creative, not managing her business. She failed to grasp the fundamental of any business which it must earn a positive cash flow to survive. Helens motives for being in business were cloudy at best. Take the situation of Frank, in upstate New York, who owned a swimming pool supplies business and refused to send statements to his customers as in his opinion â€Å"it was the responsibility of his customers to keep track of their bills. He felt it sufficient to issue an invoice at the time of sale. Unfortunately, his customers did not, and he eventually was forced into bankruptcy when his cash ran out. As any successful businessperson will tell you, cash management is a must. If you sell on credit, and cannot ask for your money, you should not be in business. If you do dislike asking for money, change your ways if you wish to survive. The cliche, a squeaky wheel gets the grease is appropriate to managing your cash flow. Never assume any of your customers will pay you on time. As it is in your best interest to hold on to your cash as long as possible, it is also in their best interest to do likewise. The phrase ask and you shall receive is a truism to success in business. (C) Copyright 2001 Dr. Paul E. Adams. Syndicated by Paradigm News, Inc. http://www. morebusiness. com/running_your_business/financing/d983148682. brc Review of Related Foreign Studies The New Government Accounting Systems (Issues in Public Audit) Historically, the growth of government auditing and accounting in the Philippines was greatly influenced by the administrative practices in the US, so much so that during the time that the General Accounting Office in the United States was responsible for the government’s accounting, that concept was similarly introduced in the Philippines. Unfortunately, by the time the practice was abandoned in the United States in favor of a better system, The Philippines have then become independent and hence the change was not followed here. COA promulgates new accounting system unlike in the United States where accounting standards are formulated by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) and subsequently enacted into law, such as the Federal Financial Management Act of 1963, the Philippines new government accounting system was formulated almost. Philippine Accounting System Controls In Philippine accounting system, certain controls are needed to ensure that employees are doing their jobs properly and ensure that the system runs properly. These checks are in the best interest of the organization. These controls come in form of internal and external controls for the system. The internal controls are the checks that are placed in the system the company’s own management and directors. Today, more and more companies are moving from the manual accounting systems to computerized accounting information systems. The advantages of computerized systems are increases in the speed and accuracy of processing accounting information. However, as systems become computerized the internal controls for that system have to be adapted accordingly. This is because computerized systems bring with them certain unique problems that can only be removed to minimize by adapting the present controls and adding new controls. Chapter 3 Methodology of the Study A system development methodology refers to the framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the process of developing an information system. In this case we intend to use the Waterfall as the model for our system. Figure 3. 1 Waterfall model A. Requirement analysis and definition B. System and software design C. Implementation and unit testing D. Integration and system testing E. Operation and maintenance The waterfall model is a sequential development process, in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall), through the phases of: Requirements analysis and definition Under this phase, the projects goal is determined and the functions are brought to focus. Gathering of information and analysis of the users requirement is also done in this phase. In this phase, the proponents analyzed the functions of the assigned office which is the Accounting office. We gathered data through interview with the personnel of the Accounting office, and then the proponents conceptualized the system that the accounting office will need. After that we formulate the necessary hardware and software that will be used on creating the system. System and software design In this phase the designs are translated into code. Computer programs are written using a conventional programming language or an application generator. Programming tools like Compilers, Interpreters, and Debuggers are used to generate the code. Different high level programming languages like C, C++, Pascal, Java are used for coding. With respect to the type of application, the right programming language is chosen. In this phase the proponents conceptualized how the system would look and function. Under this, we created a sample graphical user interface (GUI) so that we can visualize how it would look when implemented and also to visualize what should be required for inputs and outputs. Implementation and unit testing Under this phase actualization of the plan and a part of the made system is tested one by one. In this phase the proponents will implement the proposed system and check the units if it function. We will check the system one by one so that we can be assured that the system will function well. Integration and system testing After the generation of codes, testing of all the modules is performed. All modules are integrated together and proper testing tools are selected for error checking. In this phase we, the proponents will test the system that we made. We will check the codes that have been used. Also we will check if it functions as it supposed to be. Sample inputs will also be encoded on the system so by that we can verify if the data is correctly forwarded. Once we have verified that it functions well and error free, only then we can move to the next phase. Operations and maintenance Under the final stage of SDLC, the developed software is given to the users. Maintenance is necessary after the development of a successful project. It is obvious that changes occur once the project is handed over to the end user. The developers must develop the project in such a way that it is adaptable to those changes. The main operation of the software must not be affected by those changes. On this phase, the proponents will give the proposed system to the Accounting office and let them use it so that they will be able to distinguish parts that our system lacks. Once they have tested the system, they are free to give their comments regarding the performance of the system. In case the system did not meet their requirements, we will apply the revisions and add functions to the system. As the system is being developed and we intend to see some revision or corrections about the previous phases we can go back to it and fix it sooner after getting through the final phase. Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework Figure 4. 1 IPO Framework The inputs of the system are the following; receipts and daily statement of collection of accountable form. After the inputs are transferred to the system, the inputs will undergo several processes. First the inputs shall be verified. If ever the receipts and the daily statement collection of accountable form are not matched, it will return to the finance office. If the two inputs are matched, it will be recorded to a database and then a summarized report will be generated and will be forward to the City Hall. Chapter 5 Data Gathering Procedures and Output In this study, we, the proponents had our data gathered through several ways for us to be able to get significant data’s which will be used for the study of the proposed system. Interview: The proponents assigned one member of the group to conduct an interview with the officer in charge with the PLP accounting office. From the set of questions asked to the officer in charge of the accounting office we are able to have an output which is the transcript of interview. Research: The proponents gathered relevant information from the research materials available. We first researched on the internet for available informations which will be used for the study. Second, we made several trips to the PLP Library to collect information and ideas from the books and thesis books. The informations gathered on this research were compiled and served as reference as we go on with the study. Observation: The proponents used observation to determine what areas of the accounting office should be improved and what should be provided with a system. Through the observations, we are able to have ideas which can be applied on the proposed system. Chapter 6 Documentation of Current Status 6. 1 Description of the System Figure 6. 1 Context Level Diagram (Existing system) The Accounting Office is a Department that monitors the income of the university, there two entities the City Hall and the Finance office; The Accounting office will receive the DSCAF (Daily Statement of Collection of Accountable Form and official receipts from the Finance office and a generated report will be forward to the City Hall. Figure 6. 2 Data Flow Diagram (Existing) From the Finance office; Finance office will forward the duplicate of the receipts enlisting the name of the student, student number, nature of collection and amount together with the daily statement of income. The Accounting office will then verify if the receipts and matched with the records from the daily statement of income. After verifying the accounts, the Accounting office will encode all the data from the daily statement of income. At the end of the month the accounting office will merge and summarize all the data and records from the daily statement of income and generate the report. The generated report will then be forward to the City hall afterwards. Figure 6. 3 Context Diagram (Proposed): The Accounting Office is a Department that monitors the income of the university, there two entities the City Hall and the Finance office; The Accounting office will receive the DSCAF (Daily Statement of Collection of Accountable Form and official receipts from the Finance office and a generated report will be forward to the City Hall. Figure 6. 4 Data Flow Diagram (Proposed) From the Finance office; Finance office will forward the official receipts and amount together with the daily statement of income. The Accounting office will then verify if the receipts and matched with the records from the daily statement of income. After verifying the accounts, the Accounting office will record all the data from the daily statement of income. At the end of the month the accounting office will merge and summarize all the data and records from the daily statement of income and generate the report. The generated report will then be forward to the City hall afterwards. 6. 1 Description of the system 6. 1. 1 Hardware Setup The Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig Accounting office uses one computer with the following specifications; Dell 16† CRT, CD-R King keyboard, CD-R King Mouse, EPSON LQ 2180 Printer and Dell System unit with the following parts; 40 GB hard disk, 512 MB of RAM, Genuine Intel (R) 1. 80 GHz, 1. 80 GHz. 6. 1. 2 Software and Application being used The software and applications used by the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig Accounting office are the following; Avira Anti-Virus, Microsoft Office 2003, and Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3. 6. 1. 3 Personnel names/position The Accounting office have two personnel; Miss Pamela Ramos the officer in charge that stays in the PLP and Miss Mila Nhimfa Dorilag the head officer that commands the OIC from the City Hall. 6. 2 Description of the Propose System 6. 2. 1 Cost and Benefit Analysis 1. Development Personnel involved in the development of the system: Position/ LevelMin. (Peso)Description System Analyst40,000. 00Collect information to analyze and evaluate existing or proposed systems. Programmer15,000. 00Code, test and troubleshoot programs utilizing the appropriate hardware, database, and programming technology. Database Analyst35,000. 00A person who uses data modeling to analyze and specify data use within an application area. A database analyst defines both logical views and physical data structures. In a client/server environment, he defines the database part of the back end system. Total = PHP 90,000 2. Implementation Personnel involved in the implementation of the system: Position/ LevelMin. (Peso)Description Network Administrator 20,000. 00A person responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software that comprises a computer network. This normally includes deploying, configuring, maintaining and monitoring active network equipment. A related role is that of the network specialist, or network analyst, who concentrates on network design and security. Total = PHP 20,000 Hardware Setup for the system: The proponents decided to use the hardware components indicated on the table because it is the hardware set up that is required for the proposed system. Hardware PartQtyNamePrice Memory2Available1,600. 00 ProcessorIntel Core 2 Duo E7500 2. 93Ghz 3MB 1066Mhz5,600. 00 Hard Disk DriveSeagate Barracuda 1TB 7200rpm SATA3,050. 0 MotherboardMSI NF725GTM-P31 V-PCIE/DDR2/Sound/LAN2,200. 00 CaseIntex Supernova ATX 600W PSU1,000. 00 Apollo Blast 1000va UPS Black3,150. 00 Total 16,600 Software setup for the system: The proponents decided to use the indicated software on the table because some of that software is already available in the Accounting office and one more thing to consider is that because it is common to users. The othe r alternatives that we used for the software are open source so that financial matters can also be considered when creating the system. The tThe SoftwareAlternative A (Proprietary)CostAlternative B (Open Source)Cost Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows XP Professional / Service Pack 3AvailableMicrosoft Windows XP Professional / Service Pack 3Available Programming LanguageMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition (VB. NET)P 8,419. 28Java Platform, Standard EditionOpen Source DatabaseMS SQL Server 2008 P 7,864. 72MY SQLOpen Source Office Microsoft Office 2007AvailableOpen OfficeOpen Source Anti-virusESET NOD 32P 950. 00Clam AV Free TOTALP 17,234. 00TOTALP 0. 00 Infrastructure In the current floor plan star topology is used, the most common type of network topology that is used in homes and offices. In the Star Topology there is a central connection point called the hub which is a computer hub or sometimes just a switch/router. In a Star Network the best advantage is when there is a failure in cable then only one computer might get affected and not the entire network. Figure 6. 5 Current Layout Figure 6. 5. 1 Current Floor Plan Figure 6. 6 Current Floor Plan Figure 6. 7 Proposed Layout Figure 6. 7 Cut Sheet of the Proposed Layout InfrastructureQuantityPriceAmount RJ45 8 P 3. 00 P 24. 00 UTP Cable 30 meters P 5. 00 P150. 00 Asus RX3041(4 ports) DSL Router 1 P909. 00 P 909. 00 SWITCH INTEX 8PORTS 10/100 1 P450. 00 P450. 00 TOTAL P1533. 00 6. 2. 2 Tangible and Intangible Benefits 1. Tangible Benefits Current Yearly ConsumptionProposed Consumption ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal PriceEstimated yearly savingsPrice Bond Paper long (Corona)28 reams592/ream16,57624 reams14,208 Bond Paper Short (Corona)20 reams250/ream500016 reams4,000 Folder Long (Kraft)80 pcs3. 528080 pcs280 Folder Short (Kraft)80 pcs2. 518080 pcs180 Brown Envelope Short (Kraft)80 pcs2. 2518068 pcs153 Brown Envelope Long (Kraft)80 pcs2. 7522568 pcs187 Ball pen (Panda)4 box (100 pcs)5. 7557580 pcs460 Pencil (Mongol)4 box (80 pcs)5. 544070 pcs385 Printer Ink (HP 02 Black)12 pcs882. 5610,592. 728 pcs7,060. 48 Grand TotalP 34,048. 72Total Yearly SavingsP 26,913. 48 2. Intangible Benefits Speed With a computerized system, transactions at the finance office w ill be faster. Transactions will be within split minutes or even in seconds. Minimized Errors With a computerized system, errors could be easily detected. Less human intervention means less human error. Efficiency With a computerized system an efficient output can be assured because it is computer generated and it is built to release accurate results. Secured Data Data are secured because only the authorized personnel will be able to view stored data on the database. No data Loss Data are assured to be kept on a specific database so instances of data loss could be minimized compared with records which are only kept on folders. This is better because the data’s are not scattered Chapter 7 Summary and Conclusion Summary Company and Department The Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig was established by the virtue of the Pasig City ordinance no. 11. 5. 1999. It started its operation on June 14, 2000 initially with six degree course; BSEED, BSHRM, BSBA, BSIT, BSECE, BSCS and ACT has been added to initial courses. The Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig is growing progressively for the past 10 years. Students have proven their changing demands of developments. For the past 10 years, the University has been competent to the new trechnology, bur there is a certain areas in which technology have not yet reach: The Accounting Office. The Accounting Office plays a vital role at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig. It is where the records of cash flow is being kept. Problems Encountered Due to the nature of the Accounting Office, security at the accounting office is a must. Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig has been running for 10 years yet the accounting office is still using the manual system of monitoring the cash flow. Also, process at the accounting office is slow because after verifying the forwarded data, accounting office has to encode it again with the aid of MS excel. Process at the accounting office is time consuming and has the possibility of data loss because the files are only kept in folders. Proposed Solution The proponents created a proposed system to give light to the problems encountered by Accounting Office. The following are the two alternatives; Alternative A, in this alternative proprietary software were used such as the following, Windows XP service pack 3, Microsoft Visual Studio, MS SQL database, MS office 2007 and Nod 32 Anti-virus. Alternative B, in this alternative both open source and proprietary software were used. Based on the two alternatives, the winning alternative is Alternative A because it is less expensive also it is more common to users so it is user friendly. Based on the result of the alternatives it is acceptable to use the Alternative A. Conclusion Assessment Operational Feasibility With the aim of improving the current system of the Accounting Office, the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig has to provide the requirements needed in order for this system to be implemented. Since Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig is supported by the Pasig City Hall, the implementation of this system is feasible. With regards to the hardware requirements of this system Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig has a current computer being used, so we the proponents just need to improve/upgrade some of the computer’s components. When it comes to software Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig has to provide the programming software’s needed as well as the applications required to implement the proposed system. Due to the technology that will be used in the proposed system, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig has to hire new employees with knowledge on how to operate the system but only for a specific span of time. Training of the current employees is also required for them to have knowledge on how to operate the proposed system. All in all the operation of the proposed system is possible with the requirements provided. Benefits Accounting office will be the one who will benefit largely from this system because it is the accounting office’s system which will be improved. Process at accounting office will be at ease. Also the City Hall will benefit from this study because the reports they will be getting form the accounting office is accurate. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Transcript of Interview Kelvin and Christian (Assigned Thesis Group Leaders in Accounting Department): Ma’am, we are here to conduct an interview for our requirements in our thesis proposal that will be presented to the faculty of college of computer studies. Here are our questions for you to be answered. Ms. Pamela Ramos (OIC of PLP Accounting Department): You are asking for the PLP accounting, yes. Kasi tayo (PLP), hindi naman tayo whole kung baga hindi tayo isang institusyon, tayo kasi nakadepende tayo sa city government of pasig, kasi parang branch lang tayo. Department lang tayo, so lahat ng accounting procedure especially the pre-requisition of the financial statement was been done in the city government, ang ginagawa lang ng accounting dito ay to monitor the income and record it, and make a duplicate or replicate, kung ano ang mga binabayad ng estudyante, irerecord lang dito at and every end of the month pinoporward lang ang summary ng nakolekta sa city government. Kung ano iyong nakolekta and that’s it. Kapag naiporward ko na dun, sila na yung gumagawa ng report na iyon. So iyon lang ginagawa ng accounting dito aside from the checking of payrolls, aside from that wala na. So, parang hindi siya whole accounting office kasi ang pondo natin is nasa city government. â€Å"You were asking for the PLP accounting, yes, because we were just like a part of a dependent institution to the Pasig city Government. Were just like a branch or department. So, all of the accounting procedure especially the prerequisite of the financial statement was been done in the city government. The only thing that was doing is to monitor. We record the income to make a duplicate or replicate. We record here the balance of a student and every end of the month, we forwarded the summary of the collection to the city government and that’s it. They’ll do report, so that was accounting do here aside from checking of payrolls, aside from that nothing else. So, it wasn’t like a whole accounting office because our fund was on the city government. † Student: So, Ma’am kayo lang po iyong nag-aasist ng accounting dito sa plp? â€Å"So, Ma’am you only assist the accounting here in PLP? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Oo, para ako lang representative nila but anyway we have accountant. Si Ma’am Dorilag ang trabaho naman niya is to advice lang, advice niya kung ano yung mga accounting matters, halimbawa may mga liquidation inaadvice lang niya yung mga certain people kung ano yung dapat gawin. At the same time pag dinala na sa city hall sila yung nag che-check kung ano yung mga attachment, pero it still procedure dumadaan parin dun sa city hall, hindi parin full office and accounting department. â€Å"Yes, because I serve as their representative, but anyway we have an accountant, Ma’am Dorilag. Her job is to advice for accounting matters. For example, there are liquidation, She only advice people on what they should do at the same time if they bring it to city hall, they are the ones who check on what are the attachments. But it’s still part of the procedure, it still undergoes on the city hall, Accounting department is still not a full office. † Student: Bale kayo po taga bigay ng information sa City Hall? â€Å"So your only task is to forward the information on the City Hall? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Para magawa sila ng financial statement, para kasing ano ito, halimbawa merong isang company na may tatlong branch yung tatlong branch na yon walang gagawin kundi iforward yung mga bills of the day, yung pinaka main sila iyong gagawa ng mga pinaka kinita ng tatlong branch nila. For them to be able to make a financial statement, it’s like for three branches, those three branches will do nothing but to forward the bills of the day, the main company will be liable for creating that statement of income of those three branches. † Student: Konektado po ba kayo sa finance? â€Å"Are you connected with the finance? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Oo, kasi kung ano yung income kinokolekta nila sa students ayun iyong pinoporward nila sa akin. Para naman mairecord ko sa abstract of collection book. â€Å"Yes, because the income that they collect from students are forwarded to me, for me to record it at the abstract of collection book. Student: Ilang employee’s that they have? â€Å"Ma’am can you state the step by step procedure from finance to city hall? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Dalawa lang, kami si ma’am Nimfa dun siya sa city hall aside from this job meron siyang mga papel na kinakailangan tapusin additional job niya ito or kung ano sa existing job niya sa city hall. â€Å"We’re only , ma’am Nimfa is located at the city hall aside from this job , she also have an additional job or paperwork’s than her existing job in the city hall. â€Å" Student: Kayo po ba nagdadala ng booklet o may ibang nagdadala ? Do you deliver the booklet personally or there were other people who do that? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Authority para m agdala ng booklet cashier ito dapat mangagaling sa finance sila nagrerequest sa treasury pagka binigyan sila ng prequesition of issue ito yung binabalik sakanila, naka-indicate kung ano ano brochure yung information, ang tawag ditto ay accountable form yang wala indicate diyan kung ilang yung binigay nilang accountable form tapos iforward sa accouting para everytime na magrerecord ako, kailangan kung ano makita ko nung binigay ng treasury yun din ang kinukuha nila nagkakaroon ng cheque and balance. The authority took deliver the booklet pertains to the cashier. And from the finance, they’re requesting to the treasury a prequisition of issue brochure this will serve as a receipt indicated the number of the brochure. The information here was called accountable form then they’ll forward it to accounting so that every time I record it, I need to see what they’re getting even its cheque and balance that indicates the date and time. † Student: Iyong pinaka resib o sa amin yun iba yung kailangan niyo ? â€Å"So you really need the receipt of every student in the PLP? Ms. Pamela Ramos: Oo, yun yung pinaka kailangan kasi so far wala naman income and Pamantasan kundi yung tuition fee ninyo, there’s no other income, yung ang ginagawa basehan ng city council para makagawa ng report, pero hindi nila ginawa ng sariling report ang pamantasan. Before meron tayong pondo obligado tayong gawan ng report bank statement, balance sheet since ang pera ng PLP ay binigay na sa city hall hindi na natin kailangan gawan ng report ang ginawa nila yung income nading sinasama nila sa pera ng city hall. Indicate lang dun na ito ay galling sa PLP. Actually tanggap ko ng accounting checking of validity of entry, nila kung talagang pinasok nila iyon. Tama ba yung computation, pero talagang ang whole process ay sa city hall lahat hanggang sa payment sa city hall lahat iyon. â€Å"Yes, we really need it most because so far the University doesn’t have much income except your tuition fee. That was the basis of the city council to create a report but they didn’t do an independent report for the university. Before the university have a fund so it obligates us to create a report for a bank statement or a balance sheet. Since, the profits of PLP were given to the city government we doesn’t need to create a report because our profits or income were combined to the profits of our city government and only indicates what we have or how much were from our University. † Student: Iyong DSCAF po ba every transaction ay iba ibang date? â€Å"The DSCAF (Daily Statement and Collection Accountable Forms), every transaction has different dates? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Depende kasi yun eh. Kung ano yung collection of the day yun din ang irereleased mo. Kaya lang kasi namamasahe pa yung kahera sa city hall kung medyo maliit lang naman hindi na niya irereleased dapat yun yung procedure kung ano yung collection mo ngayon araw automatic irereleased mo siya. Isang booklet dapat irereleased kung naka 10 booklet na irereleased mo siya dapat whether you like it or not, kung hindi mo man siya maubos dapat irereleased mo ito, gagawa ka ng disk cap ilalagay mo kung magkano yung collection of the day, ilalagay mo kung ano covered ng date ng yun, tapos irereleased mo siya sa treasury dapat ganun talaga yung proseso. It depends, what you collect on a day is what’s going to be released afterwards. It’s just that the cashier is commuting from the city hall so if the collection was just small the cashier will no longer release it. The procedure should be what you collect today should automatically be released , if you had 10 booklets , you should release it you like it or not. If ever you did not consume all the booklets still, you sh ould release it. You were going to create a dscaf you will put how much the collection of the day , you will put what was covered by that date, and then you will release it to the treasury. The process should be like that. † Student: Ano po uyng application na ginagamit ninyo? â€Å"Ma’am what application do you use? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: MS Excel, wala pa talaga tayong system, ang MIS ay hindi naman gumagawa, nag cre-create lang ako ng sariling format para ma encode ko yung mga information. â€Å"MS Excel , we still don’t have a system , The MIS didn’t work it out, I only create own format to encode that information’s. † Student: Ma’am kung pwede nyo po isa-isahin ang step by step mula sa finance hanggang city hall? Can you please state the step by step procedures starting to finance up to city hall? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: From the finance magbabayad ang estudyante tapos meron silang tinatawag na resibo, syempre meron ang estudyante copy at meron din ang finance na kopya ng resibo tapos at the end of the day ko-kompyuten nila yung kung ano yung total collection of the day. Gagawan nila ng daily statement of collec tion dun nila nirerecord yung mga stab no. date covered nung resibo, amount per booklet and after that pag na remit nay un sa city hall together with the ash ibibigay nila sa akin to, ito naman meron kasing second copy niyan eh, kaya lang hindii ko na kinukuha , kaya dito ko na siya tinitignan. From this, this stab titignan ko kung ito mga resibo, yan naman ang irerecord ng isa-isa kung ito ay 50 pieces. Papasok dito kailangan maipost ko diyan ay 50 pieces din, iniisa-isa ko yan, sa kanila yung summary, ako yung pinaka kung ano meron dito sa receipt then after that every end of the month, ginagawa ko siya ng abstract kung magkano iyon, halimbawa ito from date of Oct. 7 kung meron siyang 10 dish cap sa isang buwan, sa sampung iyon pagsasamahin ito isa-summary ko siya dapat naka indicate kung anong collection kasi ang kinokolekta ko nito, may tinatawag tayong tuition fee, miscellaneous at laboratory fee. Naka indicate dun kung ano yung mga collection na ipo-forward sa city hall tapos city hall na ang gagwa ng financial statement, balance sheet, income statement tapos yung general account niya. â€Å"From the finance, the student will pay and they have what we call receipt likewise is the finance. And then, at the end of the day the finance will compute the collection and accountable form, that is they were record the stab number, date covered and name of the receipt amount per booklet. And after that if those were already remitted to city hall together with the cash they will give the daily statement of collection to me. And this, this has a second copy but I don’t get it anymore, I just look at it here from this stab. I will look if these receipts enter here, that is what I record one by one. These are 50pcs, I should also post 50pcs. I do it one by one; the city hall does the summary. And I have what is on the receipt. Then after that, every end of the month I do abstract of how much is that. For example this one (pointing at the record) from date of October 27, if it has 10 DSCAF (Daily Statement and Collection Accountable Forms) for one month, from that I will merge it. I will summarize it, it should indicate the nature of collection because what we collect here, we have what we call tuition fee, miscellaneous fee and laboratory fee indicated they are the collection. Those will be forwarded to city hall, and then city hall will be in charge for making the financial statement, balance sheet, income statement and it’s general account. † Student: Ma’am ano po iyong common problems na naeencounter ninyo? â€Å"What are the problems that you encountered in your department? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Ngayon? So far lang naman ang mga problem not connected sa income yung preparation of payroll, kasi yung mga delay or mga balance, anyway kasi maraming department na dinadaanana pag dumating sa akin very delay na hindi ko narin alam. Now? So far the problems are not connected with income. It is the preparation of payroll, because of the delays. Anyway, as I have said to it undergoes many departments, so when it comes to me it is much delayed. I also don’t know. Actually, it is checking of validity of entry if the computation is right. But really, the whole process is on the city hall everything until payment is on city hall. â₠¬  Student: Kasama po ba Payroll ng Employee? â€Å"Do you control the payroll system of all faculty members of the PLP? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: Meron tayong full time, meron tayong part time may extra tayo, graduate school, sa payroll yung regular salary ng empleyado automatic sa city hall ginagawa pina-process nila dun, ngayon kasi may tinatawag ang faculty nag e-exceed yung turo mo sa 40 hours ng maximum to rendered ang tawag dun as overload same as overtime, ibig sabihin over yung load dun sa binigay na existing hours of work, dumadaan sa akin yun, chine-check ko again sa vtr kung tama, from the HR, i-forward nila yung vtr after ma-check kung tama yung entry, gagawan na nila (city hall) ng payroll after tsaka ko pipirmahan yung payroll, ang proseso ng pagbabayad ay sa city hall ulit, walaang transaction dito sa PLP natatapos lahat sa city hall, nandun ang pero. â€Å"We have many kinds of faculty here at PLP including full time , part time and other related employees. In payroll the regular salary of employee is process in the city hall. In the faculty they are having common terms like overload same as overtime , this me ans that if you are a permanent faculty member of PLP then if you exceed in the minimum working hours then it is called overload. In this case the payroll is process in the accounting department to be recheck against the VTR. It is the time record of the HR department regarding the employees. After it has been recheck if the entry were correct , the city government will make the payroll for the faculty member of the PLP then the accounting officer in charge will sign the payroll. The process of paying is in the city government. All process regarding accounting are ended in the city hall because the money or fund was at the city hall. † Student: Bale may automation system kayo at manual? â€Å"Do you have computerized system and manual system? † Ms. Pamela Ramos: So far wala naman kasi pag sinabi mong cimputerized kung ano yung ponost parang automatic siyang mag kokontrol ng general account, puro manual yan, it include encoding, copy and paste only. So far we don’t have computerized system , if you said computerized it means that every records of information were automatically generated a general account . this all done manually including encoding of information even in sending audit files in city hall were done manually. † APPENDIX B RESOURCE PER SONS Prof. Melquiades Sibomet BIBLIOGRAPHY AALA, MA (2006). †LAN Based Billing System AGO JOE Car Rental and Services†, AYING, JP (2008), â€Å"UNIVERSITY LOCATOR† AYUN, JB (2008), â€Å"LAN Based Library System Using Swipe Card ID† LAGMAY, JM (2008), â€Å"Customized Payroll and Time Keeping System† www. tea. state. tx. us/PRS. html www. trs. state. tx. us/reporting/documents/tea_far. pdf www. cluteinstitute-onlinejournals. com/archives/journals. cfm? Journal=Review of Business Information Systems