Friday, February 28, 2020

Modernism in Music and Politics and Culture in Postwar France Essay

Modernism in Music and Politics and Culture in Postwar France - Essay Example London: MacMillan, 1999, pp. 84-85) 1. General Contents: This article discusses the existentialism school of thought that was prevalent in post-World War II France. Sartre introduces a school of thought that is called commitment, but in the end he has to adjust his notions to include the textual reality into his ideas2. 2. Qualifications: Jean-Paul Sartre was a playwright, novelist, and philosopher who lived between 1905 and 1980. 3. Evaluation of Credibility: Sartre was an influential figure in Post World War II France. He held on to his revolutionary beliefs concerning politics, and human existence. His stance on these matters drew controversy; yet he at the same time had an attachment to the traditional modes of cultural expression. His ideas were of relevance to, and appealed to the contemporary world. He developed a secular form of existentialism. His ideas insisted that existence comes before essence, and rejected the supernatural. He was of the opinion that modern culture was saturated with existentialism, as an intellectual movement. 4. Intended Audience: This essay is very helpful to everyone who is concerned about the way pertinent issues in the society can be addressed. By following the arguments that Sartreans, and the opposing writers and intellectuals advanced; one is able to understand how literature can be used to influence society3. The article is an interesting read, very insightful. In my opinion though, one should read it with an open mind. When one has a preformed ideology, then personal biases may prevent them from appreciating the factors that were inherent of the opposing sides. ESSAY MODERNISM To... This "Modernism in Music and Politics and Culture in Postwar France" outlines the existentialism school of thought that was prevalent in post-World War II France. Sartre introduces a school of thought that is called commitment, but in the end, he has to adjust his notions to include the textual reality into his ideas. To some writers, musical modernism extends from around 1890 to the 1930s. The period after that is often referred to as the post-modernism era. Industrialization, technological advances, and scientific discoveries that were taking place at the time of early musical modernism, meant radical reforms in musical expression. Individuals were trying to come to grips with a society which was becoming increasingly complex. Leon Botstein was of the opinion that alienation and isolation of individuals had resulted in heightened sensitivity. The intensity of personal emotions was concomitant, and it accompanied the sense of discontinuity, and newness that pervaded the first years of the century . Rhythmic strands were layered, and they started being based on two, or more metric frameworks that run concurrently. He asserted that the domination of industry, science, and technology was a characteristic feature of the modernism era. In addition to this, mechanization, nationalization, urbanization, positivism, and mass culture all had a role to play in influencing musical styles of this time. Several aspects of music changed during this time. The language of music and tonal organization were revolutionized.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Asylum and Immigration Act 2004 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Asylum and Immigration Act 2004 - Essay Example This discussion briefly overviews the main aspects of this Act and expresses concerns regarding its effects from non-governmental agencies. The Act contains provisions that merge the present immigration appeals structure into a streamlined appeals process with little chance for further appeals by an immigrant. It also addresses undocumented immigrants and disallows financial support from family members outside the UK after appellant is cleared to depart the UK. Further provisions include human trafficking, a continuation of the 'safe third country' measure and lists behaviours, spelled out for the first time in the Act, which could destroy an immigrant applicant's credibility. The Act also includes provisions introducing procedures to reinstate payments of benefits of an immigrant's back-dated integration loan and introduces modifications to homelessness regulations in order that a refugee must attain an association with local authorities. In addition, the Act establishes further legal consequences for those persons who come to the UK lacking proper documentation. As of its enactment, the Act makes it a crime for a pers on not to have a valid document identifying their nationality and identity to the immigration authorities upon arrival in the UK. "A person shall be presumed not to have a valid document if s/he fails to produce it at the request of an immigration officer" ("Explanatory Notes", 2004). Critics charge that, in particular, this Act does not express a national desire to preserve the human rights of immigrants, especially in the case of women for whom there is inadequate protection both internationally and nationally from the realities of gender discrimination. The Refugee Council is of the opinion that this Act punishes refugees for being just that, refugees, which by definition probably have insufficient travel or citizenship documentation from the country they are escaping. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, "in most cases a person fleeing from persecution will have arrived with the barest necessities and very frequently without personal documents" (Refugee Council, 2004). Refugees escaping from state instituted acts of persecution can hardly obtain travel documentation of any type such as a passport from the governmental entity that is itself responsible for the persecutory actions from which the refugees are escaping. The immigrant/ref ugee may explain and defend their right to asylum but they must still prove their legal right to be in the country. If they cannot provide proper proof in the form of documentation, they will be subject to criminal court procedures and subsequent penalties. The major concern regarding this no-win situation for refugees is the plight of women in particular. Women are less likely than men to possess even the initial ability to obtain travel documentation or personal identifying papers on their own. Many countries do not allow women this privilege without the consent of a male family member. This Act, in short, penalises female refugees more so than men, a group already more severely persecuted on a worldwide scale than are men. A provision (Section Four) of the Act, makes human trafficking of persons either into or out of the UK for the purposes of a exploitation criminal