Monday, April 20, 2020

Managing the Conflicts for Peaceful Co

As a body that involves daily interactions of people with different personalities, getting into conflicts is an issue that cannot be avoided. However, managing the conflicts by recognizing them before they affect the parties involved and continuously tracking them is an option that has been proven to enhance a peaceful co-existence within organizations. In addition, not all conflicts are damaging; in fact, monitored conflicts are considered healthy in an organization as they transform the competitiveness to productivity.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing the Conflicts for Peaceful Co-existence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In other words, employees are more motivated to question decisions, and seek more information in cases where conflicting parties are involved. In this case, the organization benefits from the competitiveness displayed. Nonetheless, tolerating excessive tensions among employees may res ult to absenteeism, increased turnovers, poor service provision to clients, increased work-related stress, and consequently, reduced productivity. In order to enhance a peaceful co-existence and harness the skills of different employees, an organization should have a model that determines how activities are carried out. Moreover, attitude, values, skills and goals should go hand in hand in order to enhance effectiveness in performance. Organizational behavior determines efficiency in performance, and therefore, affects productivity. By engaging employees in fun activities outside the office, one is able to not only build teamwork spirit, but also ensure that every skill is utilized to achieve the set goals. Also, motivating employees by complimenting their efforts and rewarding them with bonuses encourages them to work more efficiently, and with the right attitude. By the right attitude, it means that employees work harder to benefit the organization so that they benefit from the pr oductivity, and not working harder in order to compete with their colleagues. In an environment where people are prone to conflicts due to the nature of their jobs, the use of the grievance policy to mange conflicts has never been effective. This is because the grievance policy takes longer to respond to the complaints made by employees, and as a result, allow conflicts to build up. Also, the grievance policy does not allow the openness that is required to settle differences among employees. This policy only works effectively in cases of sexual harassments or discrimination whereby the complaint has to be reviewed by their superiors. However, in issues that involves decision making and disparities in ideas pointed out, employees need an instant system that settles their differences. Decision making is a key factor in an organization; therefore, managers ought to consult from wider sources in order to ensure that the decisions made work for the good of the organization. This means th at every opinion from the employees counts, and the manager have to weigh them impartially.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With a healthy conflict, there is always a room for creativity and a healthy exchange of ideas. Communication is therefore vital as it ensures the tranquility of the environment where employees openly share ideas without feeling threatened by their colleagues. Addressing some of the insecurities that build tensions among employees is a strategy that can be used to manage organizational behaviors. Additionally, it enhances learning and implementation of the four model strategy. This involves internal process, system resource, goal attainment, and strategic constituencies. By following up on this paradigm, there will be reduced conflicts, enhanced participation, and harnessing of skills possessed by every employee. In conclusion, managing conflicts involv es diagnosis which determines the root of the conflicts, and intervention which requires laying out solutions that manage disagreements. However, when a conflict builds up to the extent of affecting the organization, arbitration and mediation are always alternatives that can be explored. This essay on Managing the Conflicts for Peaceful Co-existence was written and submitted by user Justus Rowland to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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